Incubation 2

Main objectives

  • Develop the technology and solution
  • Establish a comprehensive, market-validated BMC and acquire the first customers

Admission requirements

The Incubation 2 programme assists current Point One members who have successfully completed Incubation 1. However, if there is a well-developed business model canvas and progress made on product or service prototypes, it is possible to apply for Incubation 2.

Délka programu: 4 months (with the possibility of extending for additional 4 months)

Programme content

  • The workshops in Incubation 2 focus on specific and professional entrepreneurial knowledge and skills. Additionally, members can benefit from individual consultations with experts who can address their specific needs.
  • In Incubation 2, each member is assigned a qualified Mentor. The Mentor performs a role similar to that of the Buddy in Incubation 1. Mentors consult with members on their progress, help overcome obstacles and ensure that they are moving in the right direction. These Mentors are experienced individuals, such as entrepreneurs or managers, with years of practical experience.
  • Workshop dates are fixed. Members organize their own work on businesses, consultations with Mentors and other experts according their availability.
  • Once a month, a meeting is held for the members. These meetings provide an opportunity for everyone to connect, seek advice, share successes and experiences, and enjoy informal socializing.
  • Each member will undergo two evaluation moments. The first is a mid-programme Interim Check to assess the member’s progress in the incubator. The second is a final evaluation to determine whether the requirements for successful completion of Incubation 2 have been met. During the final evaluation, the possibility of continuing in the Acceleration programme or extending the duration for another four months will be discussed.


  • Welcoming the newcomers – Meeting of members

  • Road point

    Mandatory workshop

  • Road point

    Voluntary workshop

  • Road point

    Meeting the Mentor

  • Meeting of members

  • Road point

    Mandatory workshop

  • Road point

    Voluntary workshop

  • Road point

    Meeting the Mentor

  • Road point


  • Meeting of members

  • Road point

    Mandatory workshop

  • Road point

    Voluntary workshop

  • Road point

    Meeting the Mentor

  • Meeting of members

  • Road point

    Mandatory workshop

  • Road point

    Voluntary workshop

  • Road point

    Meeting the Mentor

  • Road point


  • Closing ceremony